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Inter-Council Presence completes its first day’s work

20:37, 22 ноября 2012

November 22, 2012 – The Inter-Council Presence held several sessions at the Church of Christ the Saviour.

The participants considered the following draft documents: ‘Proposals for amendments and additions to the Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church’, ‘Procedure for the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia’, ‘On the Church’s stand with regard to new personal identification technologies’, and ‘The ROC’s position on the reform of the family law and problems of juvenile justice’.

It was agreed to submit to the 2013 Bishops’ Council proposals for amendments to the Statue and all the four versions of the Draft Provision for the Election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The document concerning juvenile justice was adopted with a new title which more clearly reflects the Inter-Council Presence’s attitude to problems of the family law and juvenile justice. This document will also be submitted for action to the next Bishops’ Council.

The draft document on new personal identification technologies will be reviewed, taking into account some conceptual proposals made at the plenum, and presented again on November 23, the Moscow Patriarchate’s official website reports.
